Gauge for WinRT
Customizing the Gauge Shape

Most radial gauges are circular, but you can create gauges with other shapes as well. To customize the shape of a C1RadialGauge, you would need to:

Complete the following steps to follow the steps above to create a C1RadialGauge with a customized shape:

  1. Switch to XAML view and modify the <Gauge:C1RadialGauge> tag so that it appears similar to the following:
Copy Code
<Gauge:C1RadialGauge Height="189" Margin="102,34,127,26" Name="C1RadialGauge1" Width="189" StartAngle="-160" SweepAngle = "140">

This will set the C1RadialGauge control's initial properties.

  1. In XAML view add PointerOrigin="0.8,0.5" to the <Gauge:C1RadialGauge> tag so that it appears similar to the following:
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<Gauge:C1RadialGauge Height="189" Margin="102,34,127,26" Name="C1RadialGauge1" Width="189" StartAngle="-160" SweepAngle = "140" PointerOrigin="0.8,0.5">

The C1RadialGauge.PointerOrigin property will set where the C1RadialGauge control's C1GaugePointer originates.

  1. In XAML view add Background="Transparent" to the <Gauge:C1RadialGauge> tag so that it appears similar to the following:
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<Gauge:C1RadialGauge Height="189" Margin="102,34,127,26" Name="C1RadialGauge1" Width="189" StartAngle="-160" SweepAngle = "140" PointerOrigin="0.8,0.5" Background="Transparent">

The C1RadialGauge control will now appear transparent.

  1. In XAML view add BorderThickness="0" to the <Gauge:C1RadialGauge> tag so that it appears similar to the following:
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<Gauge:C1RadialGauge Height="189" Margin="102,34,127,26" Name="C1RadialGauge1" Width="189" StartAngle="-160" SweepAngle = "140" PointerOrigin="0.8,0.5" Background="Transparent" BorderThickness="0">

The C1RadialGauge control will now appear without a border.

  1. In XAML view add markup after the <Gauge:C1RadialGauge> tag so that it appears similar to the following:
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<Gauge:C1RadialGauge Height="189" Margin="102,34,127,26" Name="C1RadialGauge1" Width="189" StartAngle="-160" SweepAngle = "140" PointerOrigin="0.8,0.5" Background="Transparent" BorderThickness="0">
    <!-- Add tick marks to the gauge -->
    <Gauge:C1GaugeMark Interval="10" Location="1"/>
    <Gauge:C1GaugeMark Interval="5" Location="1" />

This will add C1GaugeMark elements and tick marks to the gauge.

  1. In XAML view add markup after the <Gauge:C1RadialGauge> tag so that it appears similar to the following:
Copy Code
<Gauge:C1RadialGauge Height="189" Margin="102,34,127,26" Name="C1RadialGauge1" Width="189" StartAngle="-160" SweepAngle = "140" PointerOrigin="0.8,0.5" Background="Transparent" BorderThickness="0">
    <!-- Add tick marks to the gauge -->
    <Gauge:C1GaugeMark Interval="10" Location="1"/>
    <Gauge:C1GaugeMark Interval="5" Location="1" />
    <!-- Add a face with custom shape -->
                <ColumnDefinition Width="4*" />
                <ColumnDefinition Width="10*" />
                <ColumnDefinition Width="1*" />
            <Border Grid.Column="1" Background="Black" BorderBrush="LightGray" BorderThickness="4" CornerRadius="140,60,60,140"/>

This will add a customized C1Gauge.Face to the gauge.

Run your project and observe:

The C1RadialGauge control appears with a customized face:


You can customize the C1Gauge.Face of the C1RadialGauge control even further. For example, take a look at the following customized gauges included on the SpeedometersPage.xaml page of the GaugeSamples sample installed with Studio for WinRT:


See Also



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